Legal Education Rule For State Secretary Role Under Review In New Bill

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Justice Minister Liisa Pakosta (Eesti 200) has proposed a draft bill to remove the requirement for state secretaries to hold a legal higher education.

This proposal has been sent to other ministries for review and feedback, with a tight deadline for responses set for September 2, 2024, indicating a sense of urgency.

The current state secretary, Taimar Peterkop, who began his second term on December 10 last year, reportedly plans to step down by the end of this year. His current term, originally slated to last five years, now appears to be cut short by his decision.

Should the bill pass, it would potentially pave the way for Keit Kasemets, who holds a degree in political science, to take over as state secretary. Kasemets is currently the secretary general of the Ministry of Climate and is closely aligned with Prime Minister Kristen Michal (Reform), having been involved in the recent coalition negotiations. His close ties to the Prime Minister and participation in the government formation process have led to speculation about his likely appointment.

The draft bill has stirred discussion within political circles, with the rapid pace of its progression suggesting that the government may be preparing for Kasemets’s appointment. Some see removing the legal education requirement as a move to accommodate this transition, which could have significant implications for the administration's future direction. Ministries are now pressured to provide input on this potentially significant change to the state secretary's qualifications.