Transgender education flies high in Tamil Nadu, read

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Finance Minister Thennarasu, during his budget speech emphasized the transformative role of higher education during his budget speech on empowering transgender individuals on February 19, 2024.

With a dedicated budget of Rs 2 crore allocated to the Tamil Nadu Transgender Welfare Board, the state pledges to cover all educational expenses for transgender students pursuing higher education. This significant step underscores the government's steadfast commitment to enhancing the socio-economic status and prosperity of the transgender community.

Finance Minister Thennarasu, during his budget speech, emphasized the transformative role of higher education in empowering transgender individuals on February 19, 2024.

Highlighting the current underrepresentation of transgender students in Tamil Nadu's higher education landscape, the minister stressed the importance of inclusive measures to address this disparity. As a result, the government's decision to alleviate the financial burdens of tuition and hostel fees for transgender students marks a substantial stride towards fostering equal educational opportunities.

Read: In the wake and sake of ‘Transgender’ education

Tamil Nadu's dedication to transgender welfare traces back to 2008 when it established the pioneering Transgender Welfare Board. Over the years, the state has championed inclusivity through various initiatives, such as granting free bus travel privileges to transgender individuals in 2021.

For the unversed, during the DMK rule from 2006 to 2011, Tamil Nadu became the first state to establish a dedicated welfare board specifically for transgender individuals.

Additionally, the budget introduces a progressive scheme offering payroll subsidies to new industrial units, prioritising the employment of women, differently-abled individuals, and transgender employees. This initiative aims to bolster diversity and inclusivity in the workforce, thereby enhancing economic empowerment.

To further support women in the workforce, the government plans to set up creches in major industrial estates and implement tailored skill training programs for women seeking to re-enter the job market after career breaks.

Moreover, the budget features a scheme incentivizing government school students to pursue higher education by providing a monthly stipend of Rs 1,000. This initiative aims to foster academic aspirations among students and alleviate financial barriers to higher education.