Manipur Govt introduces ‘grading system’ to reduce stress amongst students

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The Education-School Department of the Manipur Government has announced the introduction of a new grading system for the High School Leaving Certificate Examination starting in 2024.

The Education Department of the Manipur Government has introduced a new grading system for the High School Leaving Certificate Examination, starting in 2024. Collaborating closely with the Board of Secondary Education, this pioneering approach will replace the conventional practice of displaying marks with a more holistic system of grades and grade points. The decision reflects a growing recognition of the need to adapt to evolving educational trends while prioritizing the well-being of students.

Under the new system, students will no longer be pressured to compete solely based on numerical marks. Instead, they will receive grades ranging from A1 to E2, each representing a specific score range and accompanied by corresponding grade points. This shift aims to foster a healthier learning environment by reducing the emphasis on cut-throat competition and promoting a more balanced approach to education.

Addressing concerns about the variability in evaluating answer sheets, the grading system ensures consistency by providing a standardized framework for assessment. This means that regardless of who evaluates the answer sheets, the assigned grades are expected to remain consistent, mitigating disparities and ensuring fairness in evaluation.

The new system seeks to relieve students of the anxiety associated with total marks and aggregate scores. Documents will no longer display these figures, and distinctions or rankings will no longer be awarded. Instead, the focus will be on providing students with clear feedback on their performance, with only pass or fail status indicated.

While this represents a significant departure from the traditional approach, it is important to note that the structure of internal assessments and external examinations conducted by the Board will remain unchanged. This ensures continuity and stability in the evaluation process while ushering in a more student-centric grading system.