West Bengal Governor appoints Bhaskar Gupta as new VC of Jadavpur University

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Senior professor Bhaskar Gupta has been appointed as the new Vice Chancellor of Jadavpur University by West Bengal Governor C V Ananda Bose, who also serves as the Chancellor of state-run universities.

 The appointment comes after the university had been without a permanent VC since April 2023, following the completion of the extended tenures of previous VCs.

Gupta's selection was recommended by the state government, which submitted a list of potential VCs for six state universities, including Jadavpur University. Education Minister Bratya Basu welcomed the decision, expressing satisfaction that Gupta's appointment aligns with the recommendations made by the Higher Education department and with the approval of the Chief Minister.

Basu also expressed hope that other universities would soon have VCs appointed by the Chancellor in accordance with the state government's suggestions. He congratulated both the Chancellor for the appointment and Prof Bhaskar Gupta for assuming the role.

The appointment comes after a period of disagreement between the Education Minister and the Governor's office over the unilateral appointment of interim VCs in 31 universities. This disagreement had even reached the Supreme Court, which suggested that VCs for the six state universities be appointed by the Governor based on the state government's recommendations.

Following the Supreme Court's observation, discussions between the Chancellor and the Attorney General hinted at a resolution to the impasse. The Jadavpur University Teachers’ Association (JUTA) has welcomed the appointment of the new VC, indicating a positive reception within the university community.

Previously, Prof Buddhadev Sau had served as the interim VC of Jadavpur University until he was removed from the position by the Governor in December of the previous year.